Automātisks nerūsējošā tērauda šķidruma un gēla dezinfekcijas un ziepju dozators - pie sienas, akumulators 12 V
Automātisks nerūsējošā tērauda šķidruma un gēla dezinfekcijas un ziepju dozators - pie sienas, akumulators 12 V

Automātisks nerūsējošā tērauda šķidruma un gēla dezinfekcijas un ziepju dozators - pie sienas, akumulators 12 V

2-3 weeks
VAT included
Monthly payment from 22.66€
Dimensions: 230 x 195 x 365 mm
Operating voltage: battery pack 12 V
Adjustable time of single dose: 1,3 - 13 s; 0,5 - 5 ml
Battery performance per 1 charge: 700 days at 500 cycles/day and dosing of 1.3 s; 315 days at 500 cycles/day and dosing of 2,6 s
Battery life: 200 charge cycles
Recommended soap viscosity: 10 mPa*s - 5000 mPa*s

  • vandal-proof
  • automatic stainless steel disinfection and soap dispenser
  • suitable for liquid and gel disinfection on alcohol base and soap
  • easy inner plastic container replacement
  • index E - on the wall
  • reacts to the hands in active range by start of single dose of disinfection or soap (adjustable dosage time in range 1,3-13 s), standard 1,3 s
  • inner plastic container included
  • monitoring of battery capacity
  • parameters adjustment by remote control SLD 03
  • brushed finish
Public spaces
ziepju un dezinfekciju dozātori
2 years
matēts nerūsējošais tērauds


Traditional czech producer

For more than 20 years we have been producing the electronics for sanitary equipment to make Your life easier and to leave just the little, nice worries for You. Explore and enjoy with us the world full of the electronics. 

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