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Kerasan piekaramais bidē Flo 312501

Kopā par Jūsu pirkuma grozi Jūs nopelnīsiet 4,45 € atlaidi.
Flo wall-hung bidet, an element of contemporary design
The modern bathroom is no longer an intimate and private place but has become the heart of the house, an extremely comfortable and relaxing place, based on linear and clean shapes that help the body and mind relax and where taking care of yourself becomes a unique experience. The personalization of the bathroom is characterized by high quality and comfort. In today's bathroom, sanitary fixtures are the real protagonists and they take on new shapes and dimensions that enrich the furnishings.
The Kerasan wall-hung bidet is part of the Flo collection and together with other bathroom fixtures such as the toilet, the sink and the bathtub, with their rounded and linear shapes, it is perfect in modern, sophisticated and elegant settings. The wall-hung bidet is an element of contemporary design that combines great functionality with high-level technology. It is made of pure white ceramic, it is resistant to scratches, shock and stains and above all to detergents with aggressive chemical components.
This ceramic also has a strong resistance the formation of lime scale. For this reason, as time goes by, this material prevents the formation of unsightly spots and keeps its colour unchanged. This bidet is also hygienic because, being wall-hung, it ensures easy and greater cleaning. This type of sanitary suite is mounted on the wall and the drain pipes, in this way, are hidden behind. In addition, the sanitary fixture becomes even quieter since the water drains away to the wall and not to the floor. This bidet is equipped with a noise reduction gasket that is installed between the wall and the ceramic of the bidet with the function of reducing the noise of the drain water and absorbing any small blows that could damage the ceramic.
The Flo wall-hung bidet, when tradition and innovation come together
The Flo wall-hung bidet is secured to the wall with invisible brackets and is extremely safe as it is the result of careful workmanship complying with Kerasan high quality and safety standards. This sanitary fixture also occupies a minimum space and can even be installed in small bathrooms, giving the bathroom a greater breadth. The wall-hung bidet of the Flo collection has an attractive design and can be combined with other sanitary fixtures in the Flo collection, such as the toilet and the washbasin. These fixtures are wall-hung as well and have an elegant appearance able to fit in any furnishing context, both that of the sober and minimalist urban-chic lines, an alternative and sophisticated style that is very fashionable today, and the more refined and slightly vintage style of classic furniture.
The wall-hung bidet of the Flo collection is a contemporary piece of furniture having great visual impact which combines great functionality with the highest level of technology. This sanitary fixture is the result of excellent quality and new technologies that have made it possible to create a truly timeless masterpiece capable of challenging trends and times.
- Valsts
- Itālija
- Garantija
- 10 gadi
- Kolekcija
Itālijas uzņēmums Kerasan, kas ietilpst Colamedici grupā, ražo augstas kvalitātes sanitārtehnikas izstrādājumus vairāk nekā piecdesmit gadus. Katru gadu uzņēmums saražo aptuveni simts septiņdesmit tūkstošus dažādu santehnikas ierīču. Šajā laikā uzņēmumam ir izdevies sevi pierādīt no labākās puses. Eiropā ļoti pieprasītas ir bidē, izlietnes, izlietnes, paplātes, pisuāri, Kerasan tualetes. Galu galā visi Kerasan zīmola produkti izceļas ar nepārspējamu kvalitāti un uzticamību. Tomēr šī zīmola santehnikas priekšrocības neaprobežojas tikai ar to. Itāļi vienmēr paliks itāļi. Viņiem vienkārši ir tieksme pēc skaistuma ģenētiskā līmenī. Kerasan speciālisti cenšas pat tualetes padarīt stilīgas un interesantas no estētiskā viedokļa. Un, jāatzīst, viņiem tas izdodas diezgan labi. Labākie interjera dizaineri, kuriem ir milzīgs prestižs savu Eiropas kolēģu vidū, strādā, lai radītu tādu pašu tualetes izskatu Kerasan uzņēmumā. Kerasan speciālisti pastāvīgi nāk klajā ar jauniem dizaina risinājumiem un pastāvīgi uzlabo savus produktus. Šāda attieksme pret biznesu nodrošina uzņēmumam vadošās pozīcijas Eiropas sanitāro preču tirgū.
Kerasan bidē, izlietnes, pisuāri un tualetes ir izgatavotas no glazēta porcelāna vai augstas kvalitātes ugunsizturīga māla, kas ir kvalitātes garantija. Un šo kvalitāti apliecina dažādi starptautiski sertifikāti. Kerasan zīmola produkti ir vairākkārt apbalvoti ar balvām un balvām dažādās specializētās izstādēs.