ANTHONY 80| kitchen steel sink COPPER PVD | 1-bowl undermount / inset| cabinet substructure: from 80 cm.

Parasti 2-3 nedēļas
449,70 €
AR PVN piegādā 1-4 nedēļas laikā

Sink features: - Undermount bowls made of SteelQ stainless steel with PVD technology, which guarantees the highest hygiene and durability. - Undermount bowls are equipped with SteelQ stainless steel drain in PVD technology in a color matching the color of the bowl which gives the product an elegant look. - Quadron's deep and capacious chambers are their distinguishing feature, which provides great comfort. - Siphon with the possibility of connecting a dishwasher or washing machine Premium version Quadron's deep chamber is their distinguishing feature. A capacious chamber means, above all, great comfort of use. Washing large pots or sheets is not a problem thanks to the fact that the capacity of the overhead chamber is increased by several liters. The overhead chamber is equipped with a SteelQ stainless steel drain with PVD technology in a color matching the color of the chamber, which gives the product an elegant look. Appearance & durability Products made of high-quality SteelQ stainless steel treated with PVD technology mean a modern look and longevity of use. They are easy to keep clean, resistant to high temperatures (hot pots) and the sudden changes of temperature so common in the kitchen (boiling and cold water), resistant to chemical agents and many types of deposits (such as after coffee or tea). SteelQ stainless steel - an unusual material SteelQ stainless steel is characterized by unique properties. SteelQ stainless steel is a material whose surface is perfectly smooth (without pores), so that microorganisms and impurities do not adhere to it. It is hygienic and can be easily cleaned. Another distinguishing feature of SteelQ stainless steel is its resistance to high temperatures (e.g. hot pans) or the sudden changes of temperature so common in the kitchen (e.g. hot oil and cold water). It is an environmentally friendly material and can be reused after melting. Healthy & environmentally friendly SteelQ stainless steel surface through PVD technology has been refined mainly with hygiene in mind, so as to protect the health of our consumers and avoid the growth of microorganisms. At the same time, our products are designed so that food residue or dirt does not accumulate and cleaning is quick and efficient - keeping clean is essential. Our SteelQ steel sinks are 100% recyclable - environmentally friendly products
Quadron UNIQUE


Quadron ir zīmols, ko iedzīvinājuši un izstrādājuši kaislīgi cilvēki – cilvēki ar lielu pieredzi virtuvei paredzēto produktu jomā, kuras sirdī ir izlietne. Mēs pārvēršam savu labāko pieredzi risinājumos, kas pielāgoti klienta vajadzībām un prasībām. Mūsu mērķis ir nodrošināt augstākās kvalitātes produktu, kas vienlaikus ir skaists un praktisks.

Mūsu Quadron Bill 120 izlietnes un Gemma virtuves jaucējkrāna apbalvošana ar starptautisko Red Dot Design balvu apliecina mūsu dizaina inovāciju un katras detaļas izsmalcināto kvalitāti.

Quadron produkti ir ne tikai moderns izskats, bet arī produkta garantija ilgmūžībā, pateicoties augstas kvalitātes GraniteQ un SteelQ materiālu izmantošanai PVD tehnoloģijā.

Tās ir viegli uzturēt tīras un izturīgas pret ķīmiskās vielas un daudzu veidu nogulsnes. Materiāls, no kura izgatavotas izlietnes ir izturīgs pret biežām un augstām temperatūras svārstībām, kas ļauj bez maksas izmantot, nesabojājot produktu.

Fusion GlassQ -

ir inovatīva divu materiālu kombinācija ar izcilu īpašību: rūdīta stikla virsmas ar tērauda bļodām. Sakarā ar gludo un neporainu virsmu, tiem raksturīga paaugstināta higiēna, kas ir ārkārtīgi svarīgi vietā, kur veicam virtuves darbus. Mūsdienīgs dizains - pieskaņots citiem virtuves iekārtu elementiem, piemēram, stikla nosūcējam, keramikas plītij, plāksnēm vai modernas stikla apdares virsmas starp darba virsmas un virtuves skapja.

Pieejams plašā variantu klāstā: melnā un baltā kombinācijā ar SteelQ un SteelQ PVD tērauda bļodām!

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